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Shame the OT assessing us at home ignored Doctors recomendations , and then misplaced the documents stating the Doctors advice!! Due to this Im having to fund raise to keep Daisy safe, and follow Doctors orders!!

3 peaks

Training, Great time in the gym again with Lorna in the new life styles for living studio. We had a tough hour of 1-2-1 and .... boy am I starting to feel and see the difference!
 I've lost 3lbs,   COM'OM!!
 I would never of trained like this without the 1-2-1 support from Lorna, all the diets and gym membership charges are a complete waist of money.   If I new how much it would help to have these 1-2-1's  I wish I did this years ago ...stupid fad diets...never again xx | Supplied by easyfundraising | Powered by Yahoo! and Bing | Supplied by easyfundraising | Powered by Yahoo! and Bing