its OK, still ALIVE >>

 Well I missed my own childs halloween event, rarrr, I wasnt loooking good, kinda proped on the lav armed with bucket... really needed my mummy!!! so havent a clue how the night went??  will find out soon though x
 Just trying to sort all my facts and figures, servises policys and political papers with disabled persons rights, human rights and enviroment health, health and safty,legissaltions , you know all the general day to day paper file banter that the mother of a disabled child has to become accustom too. what aload of shit!!
  I used to use my desk to play cards on now Ive forgot I have a desk, I cant even sit my computer on there, missed appointments, old new appointments are flittering away, under paper file banter ...
 As i explained the housing wouldnt do what was aggreed at the last key worker meeter, 2 weeks she said, oh yes defo 2 weeks and 3rd assesment will be done, report in the post ready for next met! twat!, can i say that? yer, its my blog!
 O well daughters life still at risk every day that little bit more, a new corner she can reach a new side she can shuffle, a new whatever.... theres always the areas that im ok with the old that were ok and now the new, theses kids grow you see, they move around like crazy bezz, buzzing and flowering pollen. except thats daisy and my pots and pans! its cool though her short limbs dont give her the strenght to lift the pot and get the handle mushed in her brain, also her little undeveloped hands cant rip easy. as long as she doesnt fall on it its pretty fun, although she does fall easy said the doctors because oh yes she got half her fucking feet missing wearing size 2 (1 is newborn) padder shoes.
 Seriously im thinking of taking this bad boy all the way, as if your leaving my 1 year old daughter whom has apneoa, a heart defect, still has (9cm x 9cm) of her skull missing that aint going to grow over night/weeks/months/years!! as if your letting me sit here at night stressing over this housing shit. Insteaed of getting my zzzzzzz. you arseholes, yes im going for the big one,I  think you call it flight of fight????  Im not Miss.KO for nothing ...sonny gim (gim, whos that?) you can call me Kerry.
  So here we are extremly overcrowed now, daisy still only has the area of a travel cot to sleep in, thats about to tip any day, obviosly i cant attach this to hard surround as half my babys heads missing, just incase you forgot mr,mrs,caught in the stock cash crash or whatever that britain hicup was.... recession, was that it?, sorry i dont do politics, tax slash, i dont even do the lottery!,nor nurrfin coz i just sit on my 2metre x 2 metre mat watching jezza (every1 loves the jez) with my not normal for norfolk bright eyed bushy tailed (thats a joke no tails so far) daughter in arms reach stoping her move in case her Life threaterning dissability becomes life threaterning.  And other that that she sits in the fucking trolly thing, buggy and climbs out of it of corse because shes a fiesty little sod that isnt being keep down by nothing. that child is going to life the fullest life ever, with the happiest of happynest family around her, learning and playing with kyron and izzy as there grow and blossoms together. I havent done alot of things by the book in the past, 3 kids,a few dads, no weddings, seen more funerals so far,  and I know I havent done alot with my life, total let down (sorry mum/dad what i put u though!)but if I die , in hundreds of years to come, knowing that I done my best to keep all my 3 children safe, healthy any happy till before and after the crossing then i will RIP.. PRAISE THE LORD AMEN.
  as any mother would, agree. ???
so please forgive me for telling it again to my local services, and  all you support network like local councils, or housing departments though this blog as they dont answer the calls, and when they do they 'put me though' this stupid council that my daughter has rare needs the last 2 OT's couldnt and the next cannot Generalize with, of familarize, or sympathazize, or empathize, or even imaginathize with, so i'll tell you,  your goverments sites (ie NHS) state 'risk of injury to toddles increases greatly' when .......what for it.......YES........moving home, or parents stressed or overcrowded.... etc....etc... or ect.....ect.... i cant even ride a tractor..... and even i know that.
 So hers daisys overcrowed, yep, tick......... clock still sticks.......... every second you are risking my daughters life............ that make you feel good............... you got the power you win....... now, can you get this extension on the go, coz I dont wanna risk my daughters life any longer by waiting...... any longer... or having another waisting time bantering metting even my peadiatrition thinks its a waist of time, if he can sit out the next metting can I...??
 I know ..... i'll bring my blind, death, mad antie marion , she can take my place, you wont even know shes there as she dead, but thats ok, as know one hears or listens or acts on daisys needs anyway, and what i hear ive heard all before. we were ofered a wonderfull move a house, a clean, a decorate, a help to move.... well that wasnt strickly true, we were so were the doctors assured of all this, but the bidding department (low need, moderate,high,emergency,on your are need) couldnt up the banding (home options) as know none of  the doctors said daisy was safe to move.  they said it was on the grounds of conflicting medical reports,,, basically the ot said yer move em, up the band... but home option studied and i have it in writing banded me on the basics of daisys medical reports as they would have to in the intrest of health, enviroment, housing ect, thats what the assesments for ,yer...medical!!!!! but they said sorry on seeing all the medical reports we regreat to inform you that you are still LOW NEED TO MOVE>>>> THAT IS YOUR BAND>>>> oh, ok, so they didnt even budge 1 notch...o maybe these doctors might know what there talking about.... swollow your dummy, put your tail between your legs and quit your job luv,,,, coz your rusty......As IF IM still bantering this shit..... for fucks sake....
JEZZA OF PHIL N FERN ??? no its holly, isnt it now!!.... mark will well want to know all about daisys goings on now, if we visit Holly, spose little Jon will want to come too, move over Dad, thats an outing in the pipeline!!... Private joke..... back to medical reports...... the only conflicting medical report was there own, from the housings adult OT that doesnt even seem to have a copy of the local councils DFG policey that i have repeatedly asked her for.
 I will move home mr and mrs goverment if...... a doctor tells me I would not be putting my daughter at graeter risk that any other child. But we already know every day my daughter is at greater risk that any other child, as stated in all any many recent reports my toddle is at risk of seriors brain turmour or worse more so that any normal child!!!! because.....wait for it........YES she has a large part of her skull missing..... thats a cranium, you know protective compact tissue, thats is a compound of solid hard, robust bone, proable the strongest bone in the body to....guess what.... yep, fuck your clever protect your brain.... a little childs brain, a 1 years old brain my daisys brain....... and no straping her in a buggy is going to protect her for longer that she wants and she has had enough, we want to eat , poo, play, sleep, and do normal things, in a normals size room no frills, i'll do that myself.....fuck waiting for services on that 1..!!!! so yer, when your readdy. counncilliarrrrr...........
Please dont be alarmed I think ive zigzaged myself straight if thats poss hahahaha xx