A lovely Journalist came round our house only yesterday, and we hit the front page news today!!..
   I'm so please Daisys needs are out in the open, this might make the council realise that by law,they have a duty to assist disabled children to live a healthy and safe life.
 I've begged the council and social services so much to help us, we are eligible for a disabled facility grant and in rare occasions it is given to children under 5, i would suggest this as a rare occasion. To phone constantly and arrange the assessment,beg,plead, and grovel for such support is ridiculous, and takes my attention of my role as a carer. All this has made me worry,depressed and ill. If something doesn't change soon, i don't know what I'll do. I'm worried sick, Daisy is now crawling and i can only pad and make safe so much of my house its silly, she needs her own space, as do my other children, and Mark and me. The other kids cant leave hard toys around they constantly have to clean, they rarely have friends round,that's not fair
r. Even Mark gets moaned at for leaving his mobile around,yer its great for Daisy to chew, but she also waves it around near her head, id never forgive myself if she donked her Skull-less part of her head.  Generally the grant is for mobility, in our case the grant is needed to assist Daisy to have mobility, if i cant make her surroundings safe for her, they i may as well give up now.
   Please show your support and write to the evening news about this story, I'm sure they will be happy to pass on your letters to the local council. thanks x

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